Use Hollywood Movies About Addiction, Recovery and Mental Health in Group Sessions to Generate Powerful Moments That Can Lead to Lasting Therapeutic Results
​Facilitates deep and compassionate conversations about challenging topics that help individuals find the power and motivation within themselves to replace self-destructive behaviors with healthy lifestyles.
Our easy-to-implement Program includes 24 curated movie exercises, complete curriculum, 2-hour online training, full onboarding and great additional perks for a low one-time license fee.
Proven to generate increased participant engagement & interaction, and foster deep self-reevaluation
​Clinically-validated, peer reviewed and evidence-based
Totally customizable and easy to integrate into your current schedule with minimal staff training (included at no cost)
​Great for Residential IP / PHP / IOP / Recovery Community Organizations​
Meetings can be billable to insurance
Teen & Young Adult Version also available
Now Licensing Correctional Institutions (Local / State / Federal / General / Women's / Juvenile)

It's cinematherapy on steroids! Our staff and clients absolutely love it!"
- Clinical Director
"As far as experiential therapies go, this program nails it..."
- Executive Director
- The Lost Weekend - Days of Wine & Roses - Leaving Las Vegas - 28 Days - Flight - A Star is Born - Another Round - Smashed - The Good House - The Way Back - Clean & Sober - Trainspotting - Four Good Days - Requiem For a Dream - Ben is Back - Gia - Beautiful Boy - Thanks for Sharing - Half Nelson - Don't Worry He Won't Get Very Far on Foot - To Leslie
Register for your Free Info Kit to Help You Start RECOVERY MOVIE MEET-UPs Meetings at Your Facility
- Brochure
- Quick Video Overview of Program
- Sample Workbook fully-branded with your facility logos and colors
- A free movie from our Program delivered to you on Amazon Video
- Workbook exercise for the movie you pick
- Free membership to our Film Series
- Discounted Program License Fee

Download our Program Brochure
(Printable PDF)
Reach out via phone or email and speak with one of our community engagement specialists